5stelle* receives the Best ease of use PMS 2018!

Capterra, the world’s leading digital software review platform has awarded us the badge for Best Ease of Use PMS 2018 based on the reviews by our customers.

A prestigious recognition obtained in a crowded category that sees over 200 companies from around the world being reviewed.

Needless to say how important it is for us today and for the future. However, it is useful to explain why.

We believe that more than any technical explanations or list of advantages, our happy clients own words are worth much more!

Here are some excerpts of their reviews:

  • ..I think this software is very intuitive and easy to understand and use…
  • ..Great user experience and flexibility…
  • ..Simple but effective!
  • .. It is not only very simple to use but has a number of interfaces with a range of systems which help with hotel management..

You can find all our reviews here.

And if you are thinking how you can make your accommodation’s management easier and more efficient

you can request your free demo here info@hotelcinquestelle.cloud.

We are here, and we are not in a hurry!

Capterra is the leading global platform in software reviews whose aim is to facilitate the selection of the most suitable software in over 500 business categories.

To find out more: Capterra, Capterra Hospitality Property Management Software, Capterra methodology.

Notice. “The Capterra “Best” awards are determined by the subjective opinions of individual end-user customers based on their own experiences, the number and timing of published reviews on Gartner’s digital sites (Capterra.com, SoftwareAdvice.com, and GetApp.com) and review ratings for a given product in the category and are not intended in any way to represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates.”

Categorie: News da 5stelle*

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